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Related topics are listed below.

Helpful Information

Helpful Information

We have added some helpful information to support you as much as we can. This section includes information on getting the integration working with CORS, and also information that would need to be passed to the IT team for the site directly to allow full usage of the…

Node Information

Create VHC » DMS Push Job (PushJob) » Node Information


Node Information

Update VHC & Job » Update VHC (UpdateWorkOrder) » Node Information


Node Information

Update VHC & Job » Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder) » Node Information


Node Information

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (SearchParts) » Node Information

Request Structure: string string string string string string string boolean Node Information: Node Name: Example Input: TESTJOB1234 Where to view input: Current VHC or Current VHC -> Edit VHC Node Name:…

Node Information

Update VHC & Job » Update Job (AddServiceOrderLineItem) » Node Information


Troubleshooting Information

Troubleshooting Information

If you are experiencing any problems with your autoVHC system, please follow the following steps to attempt to resolve any issues. Clear Cache: To clear your cache, please follow the below instructions; Google Chrome On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right,…

Pricing in DMS

Old » Pricing in DMS

This covers all of the parts and labour pricing for the VHC, once the check has been completed. The DMS would connect to autoVHC’s web services (Please see Integration Facade links). As this method involves pushing the data from the DMS to autoVHC, we would…


Old » Testing-moved

This method pushes a job from the external system to autoVHC, creating Customer and the VHC. As this method involves pushing the data from the DMS to autoVHC, we would recommend using an API developing tool to send mock information in to autoVHC, such as Postman. To…


Old » Testing

This method updates a previously pushed job from the external system to autoVHC. As this method involves pushing the data from the DMS to autoVHC, we would recommend using an API developing tool to send mock information in to autoVHC, such as Postman. To test that…


Create VHC » DMS Push Job (PushJob) » Testing

This method pushes a job from the external system to autoVHC, creating Customer and the VHC. As this method involves pushing the data from the DMS to autoVHC, we would recommend using an API developing tool to send mock information in to autoVHC, such as Postman. To…


Update VHC & Job » Update VHC (UpdateWorkOrder) » Testing

This method updates a previously pushed job from the external system to autoVHC. As this method involves pushing the data from the DMS to autoVHC, we would recommend using an API developing tool to send mock information in to autoVHC, such as Postman. To test that…

Test Procedures

Test Procedures

Any mock API testing can be done through the below links (Please note, these are programs that we recommend. You may choose to use your own mock API services): Mocky would be used for any autoVHC based responses, where autoVHC would obtain the information…

HTTP Headers

Helpful Information » HTTP Headers

All requests shall use HTTP methods as defined in the HTTP specification. Pre-requisite: All Web Services must configure CORS to allow for cross-domain requests (an example of how to do this in .Net WebServices can be found in the CORS section of this…



This manual provides detail of externally implemented and autoVHC implemented methods to support integration with 3rd party systems and their interaction with autoVHC’s vehicle health check process. This manual covers the following items: Process & Data…

Create VHC

Create VHC

In autoVHC, there are integration methods that would allow a third party to import jobs to our system, and also to potentially update them, if required. Within this, there are 3 methods to choose from for an import, and a method to update a job directly from a third…

Pricing VHC

Pricing VHC

This covers all of the parts and labour pricing for the VHC, once the check has been completed. A connection would be made to either the third party webservice, or autoVHC’s webservice. This would then allow labour, parts or packages to be added to a VHC. These…



There are multiple ways of integrating with autoVHC. We can get the VHC into our system a third party system, write it back to the third party system, and everything in between. The methods can be implemented with autoVHC, or externally implemented with the third party…


Old » Modes

There are 2 modes within autoVHC that relate to integrations. These modes are: autoVHC Mode: This mode relates to information being requested from autoVHC. This means that all of the integration with the DMS can be triggered from touch-points within the autoVHC system.…

Standard Process Flows

Standard Process Flows

in autoVHC, there are 2 standard process flows. The process flow that the DMS should be selecting is dependant on whether the job is being pushed into autoVHC from the DMS, or whether autoVHC is pulling the information from the DMS. The autoVHC Process Flow is based…


Update VHC & Job » Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder) » Testing

This method passes all of the parts, labour, and package information back from autoVHC to the DMS. It sends all of the authorised work as a completed job back to the DMS. This would mean that the DMS would receive all job data at once. To run the autoVHC Writeback,…


Update VHC & Job » Update Job (AddServiceOrderLineItem) » Testing

This method passes all of the parts, labour, and package information back from autoVHC to the DMS. It sends all of the authorised work as a completed job back to the DMS. This would mean that the DMS would receive all job data at once. To run the autoVHC Writeback,…

Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder)

Old » Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder)

This method passes all of the parts, labour, and package information back from autoVHC to the DMS. It sends all of the authorised work as a completed job back to the DMS. This would mean that the DMS would receive all job data at once. To run the autoVHC Writeback,…

Importing Packages to autoVHC Response

Old » Importing Packages to autoVHC Response

The response returns the package code that he user has searched for. The response covers two main aspects to the packages, the and the . This runs once the user clicks ‘save’ after they have selected their…

Update VHC & Job

Update VHC & Job

A VHC can also be updated, either within autoVHC or directly from the third party. There are 2 ways of doing this, using either of the below methods: Update VHC Method Method Name: UpdateWorkOrder Originator: Third Party Based Integration Method Description: This…

Testing Documentation

Test Procedures » Testing Documentation

Please see Testing Documentation This documentation is designed to allow you to test that all of your integration with autoVHC has been successful. If the actual outcome is the same as the expected outcome, then the integration has been successful. Please let us know…

Pricing VHC (GetPackage)

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (GetPackage)

Purpose: The purpose of the GetPackage method is to import the previously searched package into the VHC. This will always succeed the SearchPackage method. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The below is only an…



To access the autoVHC system, there are a few authentication steps that you would need to complete as a user. Firstly, the user would be given their own specific site code and username. This would be unique to that user, and would allow them to gain access to the…


Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (GetPackage) » Testing

The GetPackage method is processed once the user clicks on Save after searching for a part. The user searches for a part in the DMS Search modal, and once the user clicks on the package header and saves this, the GetPackage method begins. This is accessed after the…

Download Repair Orders

Update VHC & Job » Download Repair Orders

The purpose of the Download Repair Orders method is to allow a user to download the repair order as a fillable PDF. This is split in to 2 separate APIs, called GetServiceOrderDocument and SaveServiceOrderDocument. This addition to the integration can be turned on…

Pushing a Priced Job Back to autoVHC Request

Old » Pushing a Priced Job Back to autoVHC Request

The request for the Push Priced Service Order Items method looks very similar to the DMS Import Request In this request though, is the below code: This node will allow for the transmission of parts and labour data to the VHC. Information would be added in…


Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (PushPricedServiceOrderItems) » Testing

This method pushes a priced service order back to autoVHC. This happens when the VHC is at C status, and the Recalling the Job From Within the DMS method. There are similarities between this method and the PushJob method, the main difference being that this method has…


Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (SearchLabour) » Testing

To access the Labour Search, firstly the user needs to access the DMS search screen as shown in the Searching Parts in autoVHC method and click on Labour Search within the modal. Here, there are two options, to search by Labour Number or by Labour Description. Once the…

Third Party Sign Off

Documentation » Third Party Sign Off

Sign Off Documentation

Recalling the Job From Within the DMS Request

Old » Recalling the Job From Within the DMS Request

The request contains the same data for the site that has already been inputted as part of the DMS Import The request requires the correct job card number that was imported into the autoVHC system. The request also has boolean fields set up that will allow the DMS to…

autoVHC Writeback Response

Old » Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder) » autoVHC Writeback Response

You will know whether the response is successful or not by checking the node within it. If the message says true, this has worked as expected. If this does not say true, there has been an error and this would not be…

Pricing VHC (GetServiceOrderByID)

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (GetServiceOrderByID)

Purpose: The purpose of the GetServiceOrderByID method is to pull a job that is either at C or A status back into the third party system with all VHC information. Production: QA:…

Importing Packages to autoVHC Request

Old » Importing Packages to autoVHC Request

This request shows the node within the method, in this instance, the package code is 040KU08NL. The user can actually search via one of three ways in the Searching Packages to autoVHC method, but once the request runs, it only searches for the package code. A user…

Node Mapping

Create VHC » autoVHC Pull Job (GetServiceOrderByDate) » Node Mapping

Request Structure: string string string string Node Information: Location Code Node Name: Example Input: 01 Where to view input: Admin -> Site -> Site Settings -> Integration Settings Date To Node Name: Example Input:…

Save Service Order

Update VHC & Job » Download Repair Orders » Save Service Order

Purpose: The purpose of the SaveServiceOrder method is to allow a user to return a filled in PDF of a repair order back to a third party. Environment: This can be turned on directly by autoVHC, or via the integration settings on the site. Method:…

Get Service Order

Update VHC & Job » Download Repair Orders » Get Service Order

Purpose: The purpose of the GetServiceOrder method is to allow a user to download the repair order as a fillable PDF. Environment: This can be turned on directly by autoVHC, or via the integration settings on the site. Method: GetServiceOrder Sequence Diagram: …

Create VHC (DMS Mode)

Old » Create VHC (DMS Mode)

The DMS Import request gives the same result as the autoVHC Import response, only the information is sent in from the DMS instead of the information being pulled in to the system by autoVHC. The information is normally imported when the DMS presses a button on their…

Update VHC (DMS Mode)

Old » Update VHC (DMS Mode)

The request searches for the existing Job Card Number, it finds all of the information that was originally inputted by the DMS. The and nodes have been added to this method, and if the DMS needs to update these then they must do so within these nodes. All other…

Pushing a Priced Job Back to autoVHC Response

Old » Pushing a Priced Job Back to autoVHC Response

The response to this method is just a message that will let you know whether the request has been successful or not. The node would either say TRUE or FALSE. This would tell you whether the information has been passed back to…

Create VHC (autoVHC Mode)

Old » Create VHC (autoVHC Mode)

Firstly, add the jobs that you would expect to be imported in from your DMS. Please note, the & format is yyyyMMdd. Once the jobs are in the DMS, then the autoVHC system is ready to import the information. When the user clicks the DMS import button on the Current VHC…


Helpful Information » CORS

CORS will need to be configured for the external system implemented web service to allow autoVHC to access / call the methods. For a .NET ASMX WebService add the following to web.config: If you have some additional HEADER parameters, you…

Recalling the Job From Within the DMS Response

Old » Recalling the Job From Within the DMS Response

The response for Get Service Order By ID will pull through to the DMS. This would pull the information that has been completed on the VHC back, and then this job can either be priced (If pulled in at S or C status), or completed (If pulled in at Authorised…

Searching Packages in autoVHC Response

Old » Searching Packages in autoVHC Response

The response shows the package that the user has searched for. This is the package header, showing the 3 nodes attached to each package. These are: PackageDescription PackageCode PackageNumber Please note: The field is a mandatory field and needs to be…

Response (GetServiceOrderByDate)

Old » Response (GetServiceOrderByDate)

Once the method is requested, it should respond with the below XML. There are eight mandatory fields within the autoVHC system that need to be populated. Without information in these fields, the method would fail. These fields…

Searching Labour in autoVHC Response

Old » Searching Labour in autoVHC Response

The response sits in the node. All of the information relating to the labour gets pulled into this section, so there is a similar feel to how the SearchParts response. This response also includes 2 separate prices, a price including tax (), and a price excluding tax…

Searching Parts in autoVHC Response

Old » Searching Parts in autoVHC Response

The below response is to the request for part number 1763677. The XML shows both the Part Number and Part ID, and displays the part description. This would pull through into the autoVHC system to show the user what the part is that they have selected. Also returned…

Search Customer

Create VHC » Search Customer

Purpose: The purpose of the SearchCustomer method is to pull specific customer data in to autoVHC from the Third Party database directly, allowing a user to create a job manually with all customer information already populated. Detail: The example API below can be…

CSV Import

Create VHC » CSV Import

This method is processed when the third party exports either a 14, 33, or 43 column CSV file. The exported CSV file can be sent to our FTP server, and then the order can be imported on a scheduled task. The below table shows each of the fields that can be imported…

Pricing VHC (SearchPackage)

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (SearchPackage)

Purpose: The purpose of the SearchPackage method is to search the third party for any packages (if the third party has packages enabled) that can be applied to the VHC. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The…

DMS Push Job (PushJob)

Create VHC » DMS Push Job (PushJob)

Purpose: The purpose of the PushJob method is to allow a third party to add a vehicle health check into autoVHC. Production: QA:…

Pricing VHC (SearchParts)

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (SearchParts)

Purpose: The purpose of the SearchParts method is to search the third party for any parts that are available. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The below is only an example and we require the third party to…

Update VHC (UpdateWorkOrder)

Update VHC & Job » Update VHC (UpdateWorkOrder)

Purpose: The purpose of the UpdateWorkOrder method is to allow a third party to update a vehicle health check. Production: QA:…

autoVHC Pull Job (GetServiceOrderByDate)

Create VHC » autoVHC Pull Job (GetServiceOrderByDate)

Purpose: The purpose of the GetServiceOrderByDate method is to pull all available appointments between a specific date range. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The below is only an example and we require the…

Update Job (AddServiceOrderLineItem)

Update VHC & Job » Update Job (AddServiceOrderLineItem)

Purpose: The purpose of the AddServiceOrderLineItem Method is to push the authorised line items from the health check back to third party. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The below is only an example and we…

Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder)

Update VHC & Job » Update Job (CreateNewServiceOrder)

Purpose: The purpose of the CreateNewServiceOrder Method is to push the complete vehicle health check data back to third party. Detail: The example API below can be used by third party to generate an API from the WSDL. The below is only an example and we require the…

Pricing VHC (PushPricedServiceOrderItems)

Pricing VHC » Pricing VHC (PushPricedServiceOrderItems)

Purpose: The purpose of the PushPricedServiceOrderItems method is to send a fully priced VHC back to the autoVHC system, directly from the third party system. Production: QA:…