In autoVHC, there are integration methods that would allow a third party to import jobs to our system, and also to potentially update them, if required. Within this, there are 3 methods to choose from for an import, and a method to update a job directly from a third party.

Create VHC Methods

Method Name: GetServiceOrderByDate
Originator: autoVHC Based Integration
Method Description: This method obtains the data from the third party and the information about the work / repair order in to autoVHC. The method runs when the user presses ‘Import Jobs’ on the Current VHC screen

Method Name: PushJob
Originator: Third Party Based Integration
Method Description: This method pushes the job in to autoVHC from the third party. Instead of the data being pulled in to autoVHC, the PushJob method sends the job to autoVHC straight away once a certain button has been clicked in the third party system (This is usually either a save button, or a button that says ‘Send to autoVHC’)

Method Name: CSV
Originator: FTP Based Integration
Method Description: This method is processed when the third party exports either a 14, 33 or 43 column CSV file. The exported CSV file is sent to our FTP server, and then the order can be imported on a scheduled task.