Request Structure:

<GetServiceOrderByDate xmlns="">
				<DMSParameter xsi:nil="true" />
				<DMSParameter xsi:nil="true" />

Node Information:

Location Code
Node Name: <LocationCode>
Example Input: 01
Where to view input: Admin -> Site -> Site Settings -> Integration Settings

Date To
Node Name: <DateTo>
Example Input: 20200121
Where to view input: Current VHC -> ‘To’ Date

Date From
Node Name: <DateFrom>
Example Input: 20200121
Where to view input: Current VHC -> ‘From’ Date

Name (Username)
Node Name: <Name>
Example Input: USERNAME
Where to view input: Admin -> Site -> Site Settings -> Integration Settings

Name (Password)
Node Name: <Name>
Example Input: PASSWORD
Where to view input: Admin -> Site -> Site Settings -> Integration Settings

Response Structure:

<GetServiceOrderByDateResponse xmlns="">
				<ServiceOrderItems xsi:nil="true" />

Node Information:

VHC Date
Node Name: <VHCDate>
Example Input: 20200121
Where to view input: Current VHC or Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Node Name: <Make>
Example Input: HONDA
Where to view input: Current VHC or Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Node Name: <Model>
Example Input: CIVIC
Where to view input: Current VHC

Node Name: <VIN>
Example Input: 3HGRU1890JM302709
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Job Card Number
Node Name: <JobCardNumber>
Example Input: TESTJOB1234
Where to view input: Current VHC or Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Registration Number
Node Name: <RegistrationNumber>
Example Input: ML18AB8
Where to view input: Current VHC or Current VHC -< Edit VHC

Customer Title
Node Name: <CustomerTitle>
Example Input: Mr
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer First Name
Node Name: <CustomerFirstName>
Example Input: Tom
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Surname
Node Name: <CustomerSurName>
Example Input: Barker
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Email
Node Name: <CustomerEmail>
Example Input:
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Postcode
Node Name: <CustomerPostcode>
Example Input: CW11CW
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -< Edit Customer

Customer Telephone Number
Node Name: <CustomerTelephoneNumber>
Example Input: 01782341373
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Mobile Number
Node Name: <CustomerMobileNumber>
Example Input: +447500000000
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Address 1
Node Name: <CustomerAddress1>
Example Input: 14 VHC STREET
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Address 2
Node Name: <CustomerAddress2>
Example Input: 14 VHC STREET
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Address 3
Node Name: <CustomerAddress3>
Example Input: 14 VHC STREET
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Address 4
Node Name: <CustomerAddress4>
Example Input: 14 VHC STREET
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Contact Email
Node Name: <CustomerContactEmail>
Example Input: TRUE
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Update GDPR Permissions OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Contact Home Phone
Node Name: <CustomerContactHomePhone>
Example Input: TRUE
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Update GDPR Permissions OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Contact Mail
Node Name: <CustomerContactMail>
Example Input: TRUE
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Update GDPR Permissions OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Contact SMS
Node Name: <CustomerContactSMS>
Example Input: TRUE
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Update GDPR Permissions OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

Customer Type
Node Name: <CustomerType>
Example Input: RETAIL
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC -> Customer -> Edit Customer

First Registration Date
Node Name: <FirstRegistrationDate>
Example Input: 01/04/2015
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Next MOT Date
Node Name: <NextMotDate>
Example Input: 01/04/2015
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Service Advisor
Node Name: <ServiceAdvisor>
Example Input: TB
Where to view input: Current VHC OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Node Name: <Workshop>
Example Input: Internal
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Work Required
Node Name: <WorkRequired>
Example Input: Brakes worn
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Node Name: <Mileage>
Example Input: 15238
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Date In
Node Name: <DateIn>
Example Input: 15238
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Date Out
Node Name: <DateOut>
Example Input: 15238
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Time In
Node Name: <TimeIn>
Example Input: 15238
Where to view input: Current VHC OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Time Out
Node Name: <TimeOut>
Example Input: 15238
Where to view input: Current VHC OR Current VHC -> Edit VHC

Agreed Estimate
Node Name: <AgreedEstimate>
Example Input: 152.00
Where to view input: Current VHC -> Edit VHC