This covers all of the parts and labour pricing for the VHC, once the check has been completed. A connection would be made to either the third party webservice, or autoVHC’s webservice. This would then allow labour, parts or packages to be added to a VHC. These can be added within the autoVHC system, or can be pushed to autoVHC via a third party.

Pricing VHC Methods

Method Name: SearchParts
Originator: autoVHC Based Integration
Method Description: This method allows the user on autoVHC to add any parts that are stored in the third party, and then to add them to an autoVHC work / repair order. Parts would also bring through prices, stock information, where the part is in the garage, and more.

Method Name: SearchLabour
Originator: autoVHC Based Integration
Method Description: This method allows the user on autoVHC to add any labour that is stored in the third party, and then to add it to an autoVHC work / repair order.

Method Name: SearchPackage
Originator: autoVHC Based Integration
Method Description: This searches the third party for any available packages for a job (If there are packages available).

Method Name: GetPackage
Originator: autoVHC Based Integration
Method Description: This method imports the previously searched package into autoVHC.

Method Name: GetServiceOrderByID
Originator: Third Party Based Integration
Method Description: This method allows the third party to pull a job back in to their system, from autoVHC. This would update all records within the third party and is usually processed before Push Priced Service Order Items, so that the job is ready to be priced.

Method Name: PushPricedServiceOrderItems
Originator: Third Party Based Integration
Method Description: Allows the third party system to push a fully priced job back to autoVHC, ready for authorisation.