The response sits in the <LabourTransferObject> node. All of the information relating to the labour gets pulled into this section, so there is a similar feel to how the SearchParts response. This response also includes 2 separate prices, a price including tax (<priceinctax>), and a price excluding tax (<priceexcltax>). The <timeamount> shows how long there is to be labour on the vehicle, and this can be added on the system.

<SearchLabourResponse xmlns="">
		<Message />
				<VHCItemID />
				<costsheetlabourid />
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Message String Call successful A message that will indicate why the request failed, Call Successful if it succeeds Yes
Success Boolean TRUE Will be either True or False depending on the success of the request Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
CurrencyCode String EUR ISO Currency code Yes
LabourCollection LabourTransferObject[] (see below) No
AdditionalRecords Boolean FALSE True indicates there are more parts available than those returned, the user must refine their search term No
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
DMSLabourCode String 58450022BPE DMS Labour Code No
ComplexityRate String 90 Hourly rate for the labour before any discount has been applied Yes
VHCItemID String 692554 autoVHC unique ID for the service line item No
Priceinctax String 144 Total price of labour with tax (timeamount * discountrate) + vat Yes
costsheetlabourid String 164458 autuoVHC Unique Labour Line ID No
timestampdt String 41164.7055555556 time stamp when the record was last changed No
sitecode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
description String FIT FRONT DISCS Labour line description No
discountrate String 80.00 The hourly rate with discount applied, if no discount applied then the value will be the same as the ComplexityRate Yes
priceexcltax String 120.00 Total price of labour (timeamount * discountrate) Yes
quantity String 1 Not required = default to 1 No
timeamount String 1.5 Number of hours to carry out the task 1.5 hours represents 1hr 30mins Yes
taxrate String 20 Tax rate 20=20% Yes
deleted String FALSE Indicates if the line is deleted No
LabourCodeSourceDMS String TRUE Indicates labour was priced from DMS. No