The request contains the same data for the site that has already been inputted as part of the DMS Import The request requires the correct job card number that was imported into the autoVHC system. The request also has boolean fields set up that will allow the DMS to import and parts, labours, images, videos and the URL to the VHC, if they wanted to.

This method will only work with a valid <IntegrationID>. This will be provided by autoVHC.

<GetServiceOrderByID xmlns="">
		<CurrencyCode xmlns="">string</CurrencyCode>
		<Locale xmlns="">string</Locale>
		<Username xmlns="">string</Username>
		<Password xmlns="">string</Password>
		<Sitecode xmlns="">string</Sitecode>
		<JobCardNumber xmlns="">string</JobCardNumber>
		<IncludeParts xmlns="">boolean</IncludeParts>
		<IncludeLabours xmlns="">boolean</IncludeLabours>
		<IncludeItemImageUrls xmlns="">boolean</IncludeItemImageUrls>
		<IncludeItemVideoUrls xmlns="">boolean</IncludeItemVideoUrls>
		<IncludeVhcUrl xmlns="">boolean</IncludeVhcUrl>
		<IntegrationId xmlns="">guid</IntegrationId>
		<IncludeCustomerInfo xmlns="">boolean</IncludeCustomerInfo>