Once you have your CSV file set up and ready for import, this can be imported via FTP. autoVHC would provide the details for the FTP Server. The directory for the FTP is as follows;

1. Group – Login Level
2. 6 Digit Site Code (Provided by autoVHC)
3a. Archive
3b. Logs

The file would be added in to the site code folder, and then processed automatically by our FTP Server. The filename can have any name, as long as it does not contain any hyphens. Once the file has been processed, it would be moved into the archive folder, and renamed using the following naming convention: Date_Id.csv. If the file does not have this naming convention, then please assume that this file has been unsuccessful, and check the logs to see the status of this import.

Once this has been moved into the archive folder, the logs of the import would be documented within the logs folder. This would also show whether the import has been successful or unsuccessful.

The original file would also be stored within the archive, so that there is an original copy of the import file. Once completed, the jobs will be imported.

Please note that the archive would be cleared between every 4 – 6 months. autoVHC also has the option of running this import as an SFTP import, if this would be preferable.