The below response is to the request for part number 1763677. The XML shows both the Part Number and Part ID, and displays the part description. This would pull through into the autoVHC system to show the user what the part is that they have selected.

Also returned is:

  • Stock
  • Quantity
  • QuantityRequired (This field multiplies with the part price to give the fitted price. For example, if a part costs 110 and 1 is required, the fitted price would be 110. If there are 2, the part price would remain as 110, but fitted price would then become 220.)
<SearchPartsResponse xmlns="">
		<Message>Call successful</Message>
				<CostItemID />
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Message String Call successful A message that will indicate why the request failed, Call Successful if it succeeds Yes
Success Boolean TRUE Will be either True or False depending on the success of the request Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
CurrencyCode String EUR ISO Currency code Yes
PartsCollection PartTransferObject[] (see below) No
AdditionalRecords Boolean FALSE True indicates there are more parts available than those returned, the user must refine their search term Yes
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
MarketingCode String 464 Ford MLI code No
Discount String 5 Amount the unit part price has been discounted by (OriginalPrice – PartPrice) No
OriginalPrice String 50.00 Original unit part price Yes
VATRate String 20 Tax rate 20=20% Yes
CostItemID String 1123324 Unique ID for the Item No
PartID String 4451458 autoVHC Part Category No
PartNo String 1164485447-0090 Part Number Yes
PartDesc String FRONT BRAKE DISCS Part description Yes
Stock String True True if in stock Yes
PartPrice String 45 Unit price after discont applied Yes
Quantity String 20 Number of parts in stock Yes
QuantityRequired String 2 Number of parts required Yes
LabourTime String 0 Not used No
LabourPrice String 0 Not used No
FittedPrice String 90 Total price (PartPrice * QuantityRequired) Yes
Auth String TRUE Used internally – Not required yet by the DMS, subject to change No
Deleted String FALSE Indicates if the part has been deleted No
VHCitemID String 692554 ID of the VHCItem (ServiceOrderItemTransferObject) the part has been assigned to No
TimeStamp String 41164.6294328704 Time stamp when the record was last changed No
SiteCode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
BinLocation String BIN A Part location in the dealer’s part repostitory No
BrandCode String BTCS Used to identify part brand. No
DMSData String (XML) <CustomContainer><Custom>Custom Parts Data</Custom><PartInfo>Custom Parts Information</PartInfo></CustomContainer> Optional custom data. A single XML entry or a XML container with multiple entries. If there is no data the DMSData entry will not exist in the returned structure. No