You will know whether the response is successful or not by checking the <Success> node within it. If the message says true, this has worked as expected. If this does not say true, there has been an error and this would not be successful.

<CreateNewServiceOrderResponse xmlns="">
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Message String Call successful A message that will indicate why the request failed, Call Successful if it succeeds Yes
Success Boolean TRUE Will be either True or False depending on the success of the request Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
CurrencyCode String EUR ISO Currency code Yes
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
PackageCode String AB001 The code to identify a package within a DMS or Parts Catalogue Yes
DMSJobID String No
ItemDescription String Front Brakes Service order line item description Yes
Action String 1 Used by autoVHC 0=Followed up, 1=Open, 2=Dismissed Yes
Warranty String FALSE Indicates the item is a warranty repair Yes
VHCItemID String 692554 Service order line item unique ID Yes
VHCID String 12251 Service Order ID Yes
ItemTypeID String 1 Not required at present Yes
ItemStatus String 2 0= Green, 1=Amber, 2=Red indicates the condition of the service order line item Yes
Comments String Front pads worn 0.5mm Technican comments about the item condition Yes
Auth String TRUE Indicates the item has been authorised for repair by the customer Yes
Remind String FALSE Whether or not the customer will be followed up about the item Yes
LabourTime String 1.5 Total time for the repair, sum of timeamount for all Labour items associated with the item Yes
LabourPrice String 90.00 Labour price for the repair Yes
IncVAT String FALSE Not required at present Yes
VATRate String 20 Tax rate 20=20 Yes
Advisor String 52658 used by autoVHC only Yes
SiteCode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
TimeStamp String 41164.7055555556 time stamp when the record was last changed Yes
CheckedItem String FALSE used by autoVHC only Yes
Exclude String FALSE Indicates the item was pre-identified by the customer prior to the VHC Yes
IsWheel String FALSE Indicates the item is Wheel/Tyre Yes
Parts PartTransferObject[] (see Searching Parts in autoVHC) No
LabourLines LabourTransferObject[] (see Searching Labour in autoVHC) No
CurrentTyreInfo TyreInfoObject (see TyreInfoObject) No
Tyres TyreTransferObjectExtended[] (see TyreTransferObjectExtended) No
ServiceMenuCode String 12345678 Stores package code, for example from eCat, can be a comma separated array. No
FixedPackage FixedPackageTransferObject[] (see FixedPackageTransferObject) No