Purpose: The purpose of the PushPricedServiceOrderItems method is to send a fully priced VHC back to the autoVHC system, directly from the third party system.

Production: https://integrationfacade.autovhc.net/integrationlayerproxyapi.asmx

QA: https://qa-integrationfacade.autovhc.net/integrationlayerproxyapi.asmx

Development: https://dev-integrationfacade.wsautovhc.co.uk/integrationlayerproxyapi.asmx

Method: PushPricedServiceOrderItems

Sequence Diagram:

Request Structure:

Example Code: Click here to download

<PushPricedServiceOrderItems xmlns="http://www.wsautovhc.co.uk">
		<CurrencyCode xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</CurrencyCode>
		<Locale xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</Locale>
		<Username xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</Username>
		<Password xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</Password>
		<Sitecode xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</Sitecode>
		<ParametersCollection xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">
		<JobCardNumber xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">string</JobCardNumber>
		<ServiceOrder xmlns="http://autovhc.co.uk/">
					<Tyre />
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
CurrencyCode String GBP Code for local currency Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
Username String DMSADMIN VHC Username Yes
Password String DMSPASSWORD VHC Password Yes
Sitecode String 123456 VHC Site Code Yes
VHCDate String 20120912 Date the vehicle is due at the dealership (YYYYMMDD) Yes
Make String FORD Vehicle manufacturer Yes
Model String FOCUS Vehicle model Yes
VIN String WF0BXXWPRB6U02664 Vehicle VIN or Chassis number Yes
JobCardNumber String 11522565 DMS Work order number Yes
RegistrationNumber String FG58 AXY Vehicle registration number Yes
CustomerTitle String Mr Customer Title No
CustomerFirstName String Jamie Customer First Name No
CustomerSurName String Lawrence-Jenner Customer Surname Yes
CustomerEmail String jamie.jenner@autovhc.co.uk Customer Email No
CustomerPostCode String WR13 6PZ Customer PostCode No
CustomerTelephoneNumber String 01684 554477 Customer Land Line Telephone Number No
CustomerMobileNumber String 07977 115478 Customer Mobile/Cell Number No
CustomerUUID String 11544854 DMS Unique customer identifier No
CustomerAddress1 String 12 Acacia Avenue Customer Address Line 1 No
CustomerAddress2 String Great Malvern Customer Address Line 2 No
CustomerType String RETAIL-001 Customer Account category or type No
FirstRegistrationDate String 20081025 Date vehicle first registered (YYYYMMDD) No
NextMotDate String 20121128 Date of the next government vehicle inspection is due (YYYYMMDD) No
NextServiceDate String 20130528 Date when next vehicle service is due (YYYYMMDD) No
ServiceAdvisor String JLJ The DMS identification of the service advisor who will deal with the customer No
Workshop String MAIN Workshop in which the vehicle will be inspected No
WorkRequired String 35,000 km service Description of required work/reason for the booking No
Mileage String 1154458 Last know odometer reading No
DateIn String 20120912 Date the vehicle is due at the dealership (YYYYMMDD) No
DateOut String 20120912 Date the vehicle is due at the dealership (YYYYMMDD) No
TimeIn String 91500 Time the vehicle is due at the dealership (HH:MM:SS) No
TimeOut String 173000 Time the vehicle is due at the dealership (HH:MM:SS) No
ServiceOrderItemTransferObject String (see below) No
MakeCode String 56 DMS Manufacturer Code No
ModelCode String 78 DMS Model Code No
AgreedEstimate String 250 Value quoted to the customer for completion of the work required No
EngineNumber String ENG123SDFTRE1 Serial Number of Engine No
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
PackageCode String AB001 The code to identify a package within a DMS or Parts Catalogue Yes
DMSJobID String No
ItemDescription String Front Brakes Service order line item description Yes
Action String 1 Used by autoVHC 0=Followed up, 1=Open, 2=Dismissed Yes
Warranty String FALSE Indicates the item is a warranty repair Yes
VHCItemID String 692554 Service order line item unique ID Yes
VHCID String 12251 Service Order ID Yes
ItemTypeID String 1 Not required at present Yes
ItemStatus String 2 0= Green, 1=Amber, 2=Red indicates the condition of the service order line item Yes
Comments String Front pads worn 0.5mm Technican comments about the item condition Yes
Auth String TRUE Indicates the item has been authorised for repair by the customer Yes
Remind String FALSE Whether or not the customer will be followed up about the item Yes
LabourTime String 1.5 Total time for the repair, sum of timeamount for all Labour items associated with the item Yes
LabourPrice String 90.00 Labour price for the repair Yes
IncVAT String FALSE Not required at present Yes
VATRate String 20 Tax rate 20=20 Yes
Advisor String 52658 used by autoVHC only Yes
SiteCode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
TimeStamp String 41164.7055555556 time stamp when the record was last changed Yes
CheckedItem String FALSE used by autoVHC only Yes
Exclude String FALSE Indicates the item was pre-identified by the customer prior to the VHC Yes
IsWheel String FALSE Indicates the item is Wheel/Tyre Yes
CurrentTyreInfo String Please see below Yes
Parts PartTransferObject[] Please see below) No
LabourLines LabourTransferObject[] Please see below No
CurrentTyreInfo TyreInfoObject (see TyreInfoObject) No
Tyres TyreTransferObjectExtended[] (see TyreTransferObjectExtended) No
ServiceMenuCode String 12345678 Stores package code, for example from eCat, can be a comma separated array. No
FixedPackage FixedPackageTransferObject[] (see FixedPackageTransferObject) No
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
TyreMake String Bridgestone The manufacturer of the tyre No
TyreRating String R The rating of the tyre No
TyreSize String 135,80,130 The tyre size No
TyreVariety String A The priority order, A being the tyre being priced / sold No
OuterDepth String 5.6 The remaining tread on the outside of the tyre in millimeters No
InnerDepth String 5.6 The remaining tread on the inside of the tyre in millimeters No
MiddleDepth String 5.6 The remaining tread on the middle of the tyre in millimeters No
LoadIndex String 120 The load index of the tyre No
IsWinterTyre Boolean true If the tyre is a winter tyre No
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
MarketingCode String 464 Ford MLI code No
Discount String 5 Amount the unit part price has been discounted by (OriginalPrice – PartPrice) No
OriginalPrice String 50.00 Original unit part price Yes
VATRate String 20 Tax rate 20=20% Yes
CostItemID String 1123324 Unique ID for the Item No
PartID String 4451458 autoVHC Part Category No
PartNo String 1164485447-0090 Part Number Yes
PartDesc String FRONT BRAKE DISCS Part description Yes
Stock String True True if in stock Yes
PartPrice String 45 Unit price after discount applied Yes
Quantity String 20 Number of parts in stock Yes
QuantityRequired String 2 Number of parts required Yes
LabourTime String 0 Not used No
LabourPrice String 0 Not used No
FittedPrice String 90 Total price (PartPrice * QuantityRequired) Yes
Auth String TRUE Used internally – Not required yet by the DMS, subject to change No
Deleted String FALSE Indicates if the part has been deleted No
VHCitemID String 692554 ID of the VHCItem (ServiceOrderItemTransferObject) the part has been assigned to No
TimeStamp String 41164.6294328704 Time stamp when the record was last changed No
SiteCode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
BinLocation String BIN A Part location in the dealer’s part repostitory No
BrandCode String BTCS Used to identify part brand. No
Fluid Boolean True Controls a checkbox showing that the part is a fluid No
Make String Abarth The would be the make of the vehicle No
Brand String F The brand of the vehicle No
Sundries Boolean True Controls a checkbox showing that the part is a sundry item No
DMSData String (XML) <CustomContainer><Custom>Custom Parts Data</Custom><PartInfo>Custom Parts Information</PartInfo></CustomContainer> Optional custom data. A single XML entry or a XML container with multiple entries. If there is no data the DMSData entry will not exist in the returned structure. No
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
DMSLabourCode String 58450022BPE DMS Labour Code No
ComplexityRate String 90 Hourly rate for the labour before any discount has been applied Yes
VHCItemID String 692554 autoVHC unique ID for the service line item No
Priceinctax String 144 Total price of labour with tax (timeamount * discountrate) + vat Yes
costsheetlabourid String 164458 autuoVHC Unique Labour Line ID No
timestampdt String 41164.7055555556 time stamp when the record was last changed No
sitecode String 909093 Site Code, used to identify the record to a autovhc account No
description String FIT FRONT DISCS Labour line description No
discountrate String 80.00 The hourly rate with discount applied, if no discount applied then the value will be the same as the ComplexityRate Yes
priceexcltax String 120.00 Total price of labour (timeamount * discountrate) Yes
quantity String 1 Not required = default to 1 No
timeamount String 1.5 Number of hours to carry out the task 1.5 hours represents 1hr 30mins Yes
taxrate String 20 Tax rate 20=20% Yes
deleted String FALSE Indicates if the line is deleted No
LabourCodeSourceDMS String TRUE Indicates labour was priced from DMS. No

Response Structure:

Example Code: Click here to download

<PushPricedServiceOrderItemsResponse xmlns="http://www.wsautovhc.co.uk">
PropertyName PropertyType Example Description Mandatory
Message String Success Success or Failure message Yes
JobID Int 123456 Unique Job ID Yes
Success Boolean True True or False Yes

A failed response would show the below code:

<PushPricedServiceOrderItemsResponse xmlns="http://www.wsautovhc.co.uk">