Managers are a primary contact for customers. Their job is to ensure that the customer experience is pleasurable and to maximise sales and future sales opportunity for the dealership. A managers primary focuses are:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Retention
  • Dealer Profitability
  • VHC Completion
  • Reporting VHC performance.

Within autoVHC, a managers responsibilities are to:

Regularly monitor and update VHCs throughout the day, ensure all VHCs have reached, at least, the C/P/L/A status

Service Advisor
Service Advisors are the primary contact for a customer. Their job is to ensure that the customer experience is pleasurable and to maximise sales and future sales opportunity for the dealership. A Service Advisor’s primary focuses are:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Retention
  • Dealer Profitability

Within autoVHC, a Service Advisor’s responsibilities are to:

  • Log into autoVHC first thing in the morning
  • Monitor the list of VHCs and ensure their name has been assigned to their own VHCs
  • Regularly monitor and update VHCs throughout the day
  • Attempt to sell all additional work identified
  • Properly ‘comment’ any unsold work
  • Ensure all VHCs have reached, at least, the C/P/L/A status

Parts Advisor
Technicians are responsible for completing the VHC. Their knowledge and experience is perfect for identifying the essential and recommended work. This ensures duty of care is completed by the dealer and the customers experience is pleasurable also helps to maximise sales and future sales opportunity for the dealership. A Technicians primary focuses are:

  • Completing VHC
  • Duty of Care

Technicians are responsible for completing the VHC. Their knowledge and experience is perfect for identifying the essential and recommended work. This ensures duty of care is completed by the dealer and the customers experience is pleasurable also helps to maximise sales and future sales opportunity for the dealership. A Technicians primary focuses are:

  • Completing VHC
  • Duty of Care