The request itself is in a node called <LabourCriteria>. The user types in the labour code on the autoVHC system and this requests the <DMSLabourCode> from the DMS. Along with the Labour Code, the user also inputs the amount of hours that they feel the technician should be working on the vehicle. This falls into <timeamount>.

The below request shows a search for a labour code. In this example, the labour code is 336747. As the user is searching for the labour code, the description is left blank.

<SearchLabour xmlns="">
			<description />
					<Value />
					<Value />

This example shows what is requested when the user searches via a description, instead of a Labour Code. The below example shows a blank labour code, with the description showing BrakesLabour.

<SearchLabour xmlns="">
			<DMSLabourCode />
					<Value />
					<Value />
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Locale String en-GB The .NET CurrentCulture.Name Yes
JobCardNumber String 11522565 DMS Work order number Yes
CustomerID String 11544854 DMS Unique customer identifier Yes
LocationCode String M1 Used by some DMS require this to identify specific dealer data Yes
LabourCriteria LabourTransferObject (see Response Objects) autoVHC will partially populate this with Labour code, description, hours No
ParametersCollection DMSParametersCollection (see below) No
WildCardSearch Boolean TRUE Indicates the user has request to seach the DMS using wild cards Yes
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Name String Username The name of the key pair value Yes
Value String admin The value of the key pair value No