The response shows the package that the user has searched for. This is the package header, showing the 3 nodes attached to each package. These are:

  • PackageDescription
  • PackageCode
  • PackageNumber
    Please note: The <PackageCode> field is a mandatory field and needs to be returned.

This then displays as a header on the Search Packages screen. So, the below would show the package code, description and price, meaning the header would display 040KU08NL Clutch 53.00

<SearchPackageResponse xmlns="">
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Message String Call successful A message that will indicate why the request failed, Call Successful if it succeeds Yes
Success Boolean TRUE Will be either True or False depending on the success of the request Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
CurrencyCode String EUR ISO Currency code Yes
DMSPackageList DMSPackageHeaderTransferObject[] See Below This will contain information about the packages found matching the user search criteria, the user will eventually select the one they want and call get package No
AdditionalRecords Boolean FALSE True indicates there are more parts available than those returned, the user must refine their search term No
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
PackageDescription String Front Brake Kit Package Description No
PackageCode String 884885-8895 Package Code Yes
PackageNumber String 378463 Package Number No
PackageFixedPrice String 241.23 Total price of the package No