The response returns the package code that he user has searched for. The response covers two main aspects to the packages, the <PartTransferObject> and the <LabourTransferObject>. This runs once the user clicks ‘save’ after they have selected their package.

<GetPackageResponse xmlns="">
					<CostItemID />
					<PartDesc>Part One</PartDesc>
					<VHCitemID />
					<TimeStamp />
						<VHCItemID />
						<costsheetlabourid />
						<description>Labour One</description>
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
Message String Call successful A message that will indicate why the request failed, Call Successful if it succeeds Yes
Success Boolean TRUE Will be either True or False depending on the success of the request Yes
Locale String en-GB Culture code Yes
CurrencyCode String EUR ISO Currency code Yes
DMSPackageList DMSPackageTransferObject See Below This will contain information about the package returned, Header, Parts, Labour etc No
PropertyName PropertyType PropertyValue Description Mandatory
DMSPackageHeader DMSPackageHeaderTransferObject See DMSPackageHeaderTransferObject above. No
PartCollection PartTransferObject[] See PartTransferObject description Collection of Part Information No
TyreCollection TyreTransferObject[] See TyreTransferObject description Collection of Tyre Information No
LabourCollection LabourTransferObject[] See LabourTransferObject description Collection of Labour Information No
CommentsCollection String[] Addition information List of comments about the package No