This method is processed when the DMS exports either a 14, 33, or 43 column CSV file. The exported CSV file is sent to our FTP server, and then the order can be imported on a scheduled task. The below table shows each of the fields that can be imported using this method. Please see the required fields below for each of the different CSV import files

  • 14 Column CSV: F1 – F14
  • 33 Column CSV: F1 – F33
  • 43 Column CSV: F1 – F43

Once you have your CSV file set up and ready for import, you would log in to our FTP server using details that we would provide you, and upload the file to this folder.

Please note; the file needs to be uploaded to the correct site folder (This folder will have a 6 digit name), as the import process would not import any files that are in the root of the directory.

# Variable Name Type Required Y/N Default Value Comment
F1 VHCDate String Y This is the date on which the VHC is to be carried out. This should fit the mask ‘YYYYMMDD’ DD = Day of DD = Day of month MM = Month of Year YYYY = Year or the en-GB date format dd/mm/yyyy
F2 Make String Y Make of vehicle
F3 Model String Y Model of vehicle
F4 JobCardNumber String Y The DMS Job card number/Repair Order Number
F5 RegistrationNumber String Y Vehicle registration number
F6 CustomerTitle String N “ “ – Empty String Customer Salutation
F7 CustomerFirstName String N “ “ – Empty String Customer First name or initial
F8 CustomerSurname String Y Customer Surname
F9 CustomerEmail String N “ “ – Empty String Customer Email Address
F10 CustomerPostCode String N “ “ – Empty String The Postal/Zip Code for the Customer
F11 CustomerTelephoneNumber* String N “ “ – Empty String Customer Telephone Number
F12 CustomerMobileNumber* String N “ “ – Empty String Mobile/Cell Number
F13 VIN String N “ “ – Empty String Vehicle VIN number.
F14 CustomerUUID** String Y This should be the Unique Identifier in the DMS system
F15 CustomerAddress1 String N “ “ – Empty String 1st line of the customer address
F16 CustomerAddress2 String N “ “ – Empty String 2nd line of the customer address
F17 DateIn String N “ “ – Empty String Date Vehicle is due in – dd/mm/yyyy
F18 DateOut String N “ “ – Empty String Date vehicle is due out – dd/mm/yyyy
F19 FirstRegistrationDate String N “ “ – Empty String Date vehicle was registered – dd/mm/yyyy
F20 NextMotDate String N “ “ – Empty String Date the MOT for the vehicle is due
F21 NextServiceDate String N “ “ – Empty String Date the Service for the vehicle is due – dd/mm/yyyy
F22 ServiceAdvisor String N “ “ – Empty String The service advisor responsible for the vehicle
F23 TimeIn String N “ “ – Empty String Time the vehicle is due in the dealer – HH:MM
F24 TimeOut String N “ “ – Empty String Time the vehicle is due out of the dealer – HH:MM
F25 WorkRequired String N “ “ – Empty String The reason the vehicle has been booked into the dealership
F26 Workshop String N “ “ – Empty String The workshop the vehicle is to be worked on in
F27 Mileage String N “ ” – Empty String The Last known mileage for the Vehicle
F28 AgreedEstimate String N “ “ – Empty String The Value of the known repair work quoted to the customer
F29 CustomerContactEmail Boolean N FALSE Whether or not the customer is to be contacted by Email. No Value will be assumed false Opt Out
F30 CustomerContactHomePhone Boolean N FALSE Whether or not the customer is to be contacted by Telephone. No Value will be assumed false Opt Out
F31 CustomerContactMail*** Boolean N FALSE Whether or not the customer is to be contacted by Mail. No Value will be assumed false Opt Out
F32 CustomerContactSMS*** Boolean N FALSE Whether or not the customer is to be contacted by SMS. No Value will be assumed false Opt Out
F33 CustomerType String N “ “ – Empty String The Customer type, e.g. Retail, Internal etc
F34 CustomerAddress3 String N “ “ – Empty String 3rd line of the customer address
F35 CustomerAddress4 String N “ “ – Empty String 4TH line of the customer address
F36 Work Required 1 String N “ “ – Empty String Work that has been pre-identified when the vehicle has been booked into the dealership
F37 Work Required Cost 1 String N “ “ – Empty String The cost of repairing the identified work
F38 Work Required 2 String N “ “ – Empty String Work that has been pre-identified when the vehicle has been booked into the dealership
F39 Work Required Cost 2 String N “ “ – Empty String The cost of repairing the identified work
F40 Work Required 3 String N “ “ – Empty String Work that has been pre-identified when the vehicle has been booked into the dealership
F41 Work Required Cost 3 String N “ “ – Empty String The cost of repairing the identified work
F42 Work Required 4 String N “ “ – Empty String Work that has been pre-identified when the vehicle has been booked into the dealership
F43 Work Required Cost 4 String N “ “ – Empty String The cost of repairing the identified work